Travelling up north? Read these tips

Dear readers,
Here are some essential tips for you before you travel to the north of Pakistan
- Packing Dont forget to pack up and carry with you all the time these items
- Dry-fruit, nuts and any long-life food and drinks
- Warm clothing like snow coats, jackets and snow shoes
- A Swiss-knife
- A First-aid kit
- A map
- One ore more torches with spare batteries
- Emergency contact numbers of local police
- Gallon for extra Petrol/Diesel
- Avoid Un-needed travel Unless you are well acquainted with the area, avoid travelling to the Northern regions in personal vehicles during months of December and January but if you do travel in a vehicle
- Avoid moving around in it during evening hours. There are chances of extreme and extended traffic jams is high. You do not want to spend several nights in your vehicle with no where to escape!
- Do not drive fast and install strong head-lights. Road conditions are uncertain and chances of your car slipping or dropping directly into a ditch are extremely high.
- When stuck in a traffic jam or in a situation where you can not move your vehicle or leave it, do NOT sleep in your car with windows completely rolled up. There is a chance of suffocation if you do so.
- Making bookings in advance for hotel/resthouse/Airbnb. Do not go without a booking and make sure you have a legit party on the other end.
- Weather updates and travel warnings. Do not risk travelling if forecast is for bad weather or travel alerts have been issues by the authorities. Ignoring these could make end up in serious trouble.
- Call Rescue 1122 to get help and keep friends and family informed where you are at all times
We will keep updating this page so you have most up-to-date travel tips for travelling up-north in winters. We would appreciate if you share your own tips with us at so we can share it with everyone.
Travel safe!