Pakistan Tourism Department Corporation (PTDC) Announces Four Day Festival Of North

The first-ever 4-day tourism event "Festival of North," has been announced by the managing directors of the Pakistan Tourism Department Corporation (PTDC) and the Small and Medium Enterprises Development Authority (SMEDA) on Tuesday. It will take place in Gilgit Baltistan's Gojal region from October 20 to 23.
Aftab-ur-Rehman Rana, the managing director of PTDC, and Hashim Raza, the CEO of SMEDA, said during a joint press conference that the festival intends to promote regional culture while also generating economic activity for the community.
The event will be held annually in October, according to MD PTDC.
The authorities claimed that since locals cannot connect with tourists during the summer, the event's goal is to strengthen the neighborhood through tourism.