Highlights of Hunza Winter Feast 2023

The Hunza winter feast is an annual celebration that takes place in the Hunza Valley of Pakistan. It is a seven-day festival that is typically held in the month of January.
The festival is celebrated to mark the end of the cold winter months and to welcome the arrival of spring. The main attraction of the feast is the games and competitions for both adults and children. The traditional Hunza food, music and dancing performances are also the highlights of this event.
The Hunza winter feast is also an opportunity for people to come together and socialize with their friends and family. It is a beloved tradition in the Hunza Valley and is an important part of the community's culture and history.
Highlights of Hunza Winter Feast 2023
The Winter Sports feast 2023 by Sevendays begins at Attabad Lake in Hunza on Saturday. Here are the Highlights of this event.
Opening Ceremony
The seven-day Winter Feast 2023 started with Fireworks, Traditional music, and cultural performances. Officials, tourists, and a large number of locals attended the inauguration ceremony.
Ice Hockey Tournament
Ice Hockey is a significant event of Winter Feast.
Team Gojal Hunza won the final match by beating Team Ghizer.
Ice Skating Competition:
Speed Ice skating competition held on 17th Jan. Eight teams participated in this competition. A total of six matches were held during this fest.
Match of Basra:
Gilgit beats Astore in the traditional Basra game.
Musical Program:
A great musical program was held at Hunza Winter Feast. People from different regions showcase their instrumental performances and entertain the audience with their melodious voices.
Closing Ceremony
The closing Ceremony started with Sword Dance by local dancers and the performance of the Local Brass Band of Hunza. Minister Information Fateh Ullah Khan and Senior Minister Col (r) Abbaidullah Baig addressed the closing ceremony.
Abbaidullah Baig, Hunza's elected leader and Senior Minister in the GB Cabinet, said that there's no "Khalsa Sarkar" land in Hunza and every inch of Hunza belongs to the people of Hunza. The ceremony ended with Fireworks and huge appreciation.