4 Best Fishing Spots in Pakistan

4. Mangla Dam:
Mangla Dam occupies almost 26500 hecta-acres. It has stayed high in popularity as one of the major destinations for fishing in Pakistan. Total output for fishing from Mangla Dam is 1000 metric-tonnes. The livelihood of thousands of fisherman also depends on this fishing spot.
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3. Satpara Lake:
The gorgeous Satpara Lake is to be highly recommended as a fishing spot. Located at Skardu, Gilgit-Baltistan. Only a small issue with this spot: A lisence is to be taken before you can fish here.
2. Kemari Port:
One of the most famous spots located across the Karachi coastline, this fishing spot is to be recommended to both local and foreign people.
1. Head Baloki
Located about 60 kilometers from Lahore this is the most famous fishing spot in Pubjab, and probably in all of Pakistan. Head Baloki is situated at River Ravi on Multan Road close to the town of Bhai Peru. Apart from fishing, this place is also famous for hunting.